Online poker is a great way for players of all skill levels to enjoy this game of chance and try their hand at winning real money. The requirements for playing real money poker online are pretty minimal and most laptops and desktop computers from the early 2000s or later will be able to handle the games with ease. Additionally, there are also a lot of real money poker apps available for smartphones and tablets.
The best tools for learning poker online include tracking software, simulator software and GTO calculators. Tracking software offers a heads up display (HUD) of your opponents’ statistics which is crucial for anyone trying to improve their online game. The ability to study opponents’ hands and then compare your play against theirs is a powerful tool that helps identify leaks in your strategy.
A solid poker simulator will give you a realistic simulation of the table and the game that you are playing in. This software will help you train and develop your skills to become a better player. GTO calculators allow you to analyze specific scenarios and learn the correct plays for a particular situation.
A no-frills tracking software that has been around for a while is Hold’em Indicator. It doesn’t have the bells and whistles of PokerTracker or Hold’em Manager but for most casual players it has everything they need to track their results. Using this software will help you understand your win rate, flops seen and how often you go to showdown.